Unfortunately, personal finance has not yet become a required subject in high school or college, so you might be fairly clueless about how to manage your money when you're out in the real world for the first time. If you think that understanding personal finance is way above your head, though, you're wrong. All it takes to get started on the right path is the willingness to do a little reading you don't even need to be particularly good at math.
Learn To
Control Your Self
Take Control
of Your Own Financial Future
A Financial
Basis for Life
To help you begin, we'll take a look at the eight of the most important things to understand concerning money if you desire to live a comfortable and prosperous life.
Learn To
Control Your Self
If you're
fortunate, your parents already taught you this skill when you were a kid. If
not, keep in mind that the sooner you learn the fine art of delaying
gratification, the sooner you'll find it easy to keep your finances in order.
Although you can smoothly purchase an item on credit as soon as you want it,
it's better to wait until you have actually saved up the money. Do you want to
pay interest on a pair of jeans or a box of cereal? If you make a habit of
putting all your purchases on credit cards, irrespective of whether you can pay
your bill in full at month end, you might still be paying for the items in 10
years. If you want to keep your credit cards for the suitability factor or the
rewards they offer, ensure to always pay your balance in full once the bill
arrives, and don't carry more cards than you can keep track of.
Take Control
of Your Own Financial Future
If you don't
learn how to manage your own money, other people may find ways to manage it for
you. Some of these people may be ill-intentioned, like unscrupulous commission-based
financial planners. Instead of relying on other people’s advice, take charge
and read few basic books on personal finance. Once you're fortified with
personal finance knowledge, don't let anyone catch you by surprise whether it's
a significant other that slowly taps your bank account or friends who want you
to go out and blow loads of money with them every weekend.
Know Where
Your Money Goes
When you've
gone through few personal finance books, you'll understand how important it is
to make sure that your expenses aren't exceeding your income. The best way to achieve
this is by budgeting. In addition, keeping your regular monthly expenses as low
as possible would also save you big bucks over time. If you don't spend your
money on a posh apartment now, you might afford a nice condo or a house before
you know it.
Start an
Emergency Fund
No matter how
much you are owing in student loans or credit card debt, no matter how low your
salary may seem, it is wise to find some amount, any amount of money in your
budget to save in an emergency fund every month. Having money in savings to use
for emergencies can really keep you out of trouble financially and help you
sleep better at night.
Start Saving
for Retirement Now
Just as you
headed off to kindergarten with your parents' hope to prepare you for success
in a world that seemed eons away, you need to prepare for your retirement well
in advance. Due to the way compound interest works, the sooner you start
saving, the less principal you'll have to invest to end up with the amount you
need to retire, and the sooner you'll be able to call working an "option"
rather than a "necessity".
Get a Grip on
It is
important to understand the way income taxes work even before you get your
first paycheck. When a company proposes to you a starting salary, you need to
know how to calculate whether that salary will give you enough money after
taxes to meet your financial goals and obligations.
Guard Your
If meeting
monthly health insurance premiums seems impossible, what will you do if you
have to go to the emergency room, where a single visit for a minor injury like
a broken bone can cost thousands of dollars? If you're uninsured, don't wait
another day to apply for health insurance; it's easier than you think to wind
up in a car accident or trip down the stairs.
Guard Your
If you want to
ensure that all of your hard earned money does not vanish, you'll need to take
steps to protect it. If you rent, get renter's insurance to protect the
contents of your place from events like burglary or fire. Disability insurance
protects your greatest asset the ability to earn an income by providing you
with steady income if you ever become unable to work for an extended period of
time due to illness or injury.
A Financial
Basis for Life
Remember, you
don't need any fancy degrees or special background to become an expert at
managing your finances. If you use these eight financial rules for your life,
you can be as personally prosperous as you aspire to be. . .
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