Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction, The Secret, the
power of positive thinking, or you think positive thinking is a bunch of new
age bologna, few can argue with the fact that people simply are happier and
feel more optimistic when they have positive thoughts. For those in sales,
positive thinking can lead to more creative thinking which can lead to more
closed sales.
Knowing how to think positively is as important and wanting to.
Here are a few steps to how to be a positive thinker from the business world.
Determine Your Desired Outcome
The problem with most people is that they really don't know what
they desire out of life or a particular situation. Take a moment to decide what
it really is that you desire out of a life event. Clear intentions yield clear
results as fuzzy desires yield fuzzy results.
Make A List of Things Your Are Grateful For
No matter how much money you may have in your accounts, if you are
not grateful, you are poor. Gratitude is an amazing emotion that it’s almost
impossible to feel negative thoughts when you are focusing on things you are
grateful for. If you make a list of ten things that you are grateful for every
day, you will put yourself in a very positive mindset that will last your
entire day.
Learn to Count to 5
We spend our lives reacting to events. How we react is commonly
governed by how we either learned to react or have reacted to similar events in
our past. But simply reacting doesn’t allow any room for creative and targeted
thinking, when next you find yourself in a situation that presents a challenge
to your decision to be more positive, hold your reaction and count to 5. This
brief break will give you the opportunity to decide how you want to respond,
instead of simply reacting.
Cut Back on the Nightly News
Whichever nightly news program you may prefer, you probably are
aware of how much negative news is reported. Bare yourself to an abundance of
negativity and, like it or not, you’ll begin to be more negative. Negativity is
like a drug. As you expose yourself to negativity and negative people, the more
you adopt negativity into your life. Instead, try to surround yourself with
positive people and positive exposures. If you totally must know what's going
on in the world, read the headlines on the Internet news stream and only read
those stories that really affect your world.
Take Care of Yourself
The benefits of exercise, a healthy diet and getting enough sleep
have been well documented. But just knowing about all the benefits does nothing
for you unless you actually take action. Someone who can exercise but who
chooses not to is no better off than someone who cannot exercise. Daily
exercise, when coupled with a healthy diet and enough rest can do wonders for
your outlook. When you feel good, it really takes effort to make yourself feel
Track Your Progress
As with any goal, the person who you become as you growth into
towards your goal is more important than accomplishing the goal itself. As you headed
for being a positive thinker, you should expect that you will have as many
"negative thinking" days as you do "positive focused" days.
Unless you keep track of your progress, you may not realize that the numbers of
days are shifting more towards the positive and away from the negative.
What You Need:
- A
list of your goals
- A
- A
commitment to living a more positive-thought based life
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